Friday, April 10, 2020

day one of blogging

life's been crazy during the coronavirus outbreak, being a college student and working a full-time job it been crazy. with a lot of works shutting down mine hasn't been shut down yet and it seems like the days get slower and faster depending on the day. its weird seeing myself, coworkers and the customers wearing masks. this virus has been effecting my normal life a bunch. my mom having a lower immune system due to chemo I have to worry about her getting the virus. my boyfriend's family owns a home for mentally and physically disabled adults, with working at a place where I could get exposed to this could put them at risk. this puts my stress higher then it needs to, but I'm working on helping people with what they need at my store and that's the part that counts is making sure people are healthy and getting what they need to live even if that beer and cigarettes.

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